welcome, love.

You are here because you were born to create

to live freely and wildly and with abandon,

dancing to the drum of your heart’s greatest dreams

to speak and share your grounded truth

to serve, love, and live in the deepest integrity (especially when it’s deeply uncomfortable)

to move and flow organically with life and Spirit

to trust in your rhythms, your body’s wisdom, your inner callings

to never abandon yourself…

AND, when you inevitably do, to give yourself love, grace, and endless compassion

to trust in the timing of life, in the delicious dance of the mystery, to s l o w d o w n

to rest, to play, to move, to scream and cry, to embody and EXPRESS

to be a void-walker, willing to plunge to the depths of the darkness so you can emerge REBORN

to experience the full spectrum of this human experience - the highs of rapture, the depths of grief, and everything in between

to feel deeply grounded in the body, to feel safety in your rootedness

to remember, fully, that YOU are the medicine

YOU are creation

you are here for EMBODIED EXPRESSION



Living from your authentic Self, free from patterns of trauma, conditioning, control and fear is your birthright. Embodied expression and sacred creation are your birthright. Trusting in life and your connection with Spirit is your birthright.

But you must first be willing to journey to the depths of your soul, through the fires of discomfort, grief, rage, and despair, to the heights of enrapture and pleasure and bliss, through the infinite playground of creation, death, and rebirth.

You are safe to be your wild, raw, pure, authentic, weird, triggering, truest self. You are safe to share your deepest expressions and sacred creations. You are embodied in everything you do, say and share. You move through the world with divine trust.

You are free. To become who you were always meant to be.


clients are saying…


In my coaching containers, we may explore

(but are certainly not limited to):

  • Cultivating a deeper sense of safety, groundedness, and rootedness in the body and nervous system so you feel safe to express and show more of who you truly are, to BE more of who you truly are from a clear and grounded place

  • Moving through and meeting pain, trauma, discomfort, and grief as it arises with love, compassion, and greater ease

  • Fears around speaking + expressing your truth, especially when it makes others uncomfortable

  • Living in tune with nature, seasons, organic creation cycles - deeply understanding and knowing that not creating is still part of the creation process

  • Flowing with life and creation rather than forcing it to be what you think it should be

  • Creating out of overflow, not creating from scarcity

  • Cultivating greater trust in your internal guidance system; knowing when it’s time to rest and when it’s time to take action and trusting that deeply

  • Surrender and willingness to enter the void, to trust the mystery, and trusting in the messages you receive, especially when they’re deeply uncomfortable

  • Showing up for life’s initiations and being willing to meet them

  • Trusting in divine timing and working with life as it is, allowing you to call in more than you could ever dream

01 Coaching is a Sovereign Partnership

As your coach, I do not know more or better than you (nor am I better than you in any way). Coaching is a journey of the two of us walking together in the dark, rather than me showing you the way. You know the way because you know yourself, and you are infinitely wise. I believe that fully. My role as coach is to hold sacred space for you to deeply remember your own wisdom and pave your own path. I’m here to support, mirror, and guide, but you are in the driver’s seat of this experience (and your life)!

02 Listen to the Body

Your body holds deep wisdom and intelligence and is communicating with you at all times. In coaching containers with me, we will explore sensations and feelings in the body and nervous system as we ground deeper into safety. When you experience deep safety in the body and healthy co-regulation in our sessions, you expand your capacity to organically meet all of life’s initiations. As you learn to listen to your body and you begin to embody a new way of being, you remember that you have all the answers within you.

03 Trust the Flow

Coaching is a deeply intuitive and magical process. I don’t come into sessions with any agenda - I see each session as a dance between our two energies. I am tuning in to the flow of the session and what is emerging within you. I connect with Spirit and tune in to what wants to happen within the session. When we both trust the flow of the session and release expectations, deep transformational shifts can take place. I leave room for Spirit, silence, and exploration both in each session and in my own life. Each session is unique, beautiful, and perfect exactly as it is - there is nowhere we are trying to “get to.” We can relax, release, and trust the flow of life.

04 Lean into Discomfort

Transformation can bring up intense discomfort and fear. True transformation requires a willingness to surrender what is comfortable and known to enter the void of the mystery. This journey may require facing unprocessed pain, trauma, fear, and grief. This journey may change you in irrevocable ways. As your coach, I am here to hold you as you traverse these dark waters. To remind you of your power and capacity to hold yourself through them, to give yourself the space you need to emerge a more grounded, authentic, and fully expressed version of you on the other side. Are you ready to go deep? This journey is never easy, but always worth it - to live in alignment with your truest Self is the greatest joy and gift on this Earth.

05 Make Room for Magic

When you slow down, listen to the body, surrender to the void, and start living in alignment with your truest Self (especially when it’s deeply uncomfortable)…magic happens. You will be met with greater joys, gifts, and opportunities than you ever thought possible. What you receive may not be what you thought you wanted, but it will be so much greater, because it will be truly meant for you. It will flow easily and abundantly. It will surprise and delight you. There will be space for rest, joy, ease, flow…and you will be able to meet whatever life presents you with (challenges, joys, and everything in between) with integrity and trust in yourSelf and life. Welcome to the magic of All that you Are, beloved.